How to Refresh Your Back Entrance In Time For Spring

How to Refresh Your Back Entrance In Time For Spring

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Just because it’s a back door doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have style.

Spring is here again, which means you can start to enjoy your outdoor space again without having to wear layers upon layers. That may mean that it’s time to spruce up your backyard, and particularly your back entrance. It may not be the most common entrance to your home, but it still needs as much love as the front entrance. From new patio doors to sprucing up the outdoor space around your Merriam home, here are a few things you can do to improve your back entrance.

Install New Patio Doors

If you want to refresh your back entrance, start with the back door itself. If yours is outdated — or just a little bland — you might consider looking into a new patio door. At Johnson County Siding & Window Co., we offer both hinged and sliding glass patio doors. Sliding glass patio doors are a popular choice for their extended outdoor views and extra lighting. The doors we offer from Marvin Integrity, are built to last with Ultrex fiberglass and, because of the material used to make them, they’re incredibly energy efficient. Hinged patio doors from ProVia are also made with fiberglass or steel, so they’re just as sturdy and can fit smaller door frames easily.

Thrive With Plants

Your outdoor space probably already has some greenery in it, which is why you love it. However, you can liven it up by planting a small flower bed near the back entrance or adding a few potted plants. This doesn’t have to be overstated. Some homeowners will take the steps of their back entrance and simply place small potted plants with succulents on either side of each step for a more natural effect. You’ll want to be cautious, in this case, of the direction in which the back door opens if you have hinged doors.

Add Some Seating

We’ve talked about patio doors: if you have a patio, you should also consider adding comfortable (but durable) seating. This will incentivize you to get out and enjoy your outdoor space more often. It will even give you more space to entertain. If you have a patio, place a couple chairs and maybe a small table there. If it’s larger, you can even add an outdoor sofa. If it’s a few steps outside the back door, you can go for a more natural look with a couple chairs spaced throughout the backyard.

Need more help refreshing your back entrance this spring? Contact Johnson County Siding & Window Co. for more information or a free quote on patio doors.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

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