Fun Facts About Back to School Supplies

Fun Facts About Back to School Supplies

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Your kids are probably having a blast enjoying their summer vacation, but summer is about to end, which means that you’ll need to get them ready to go back to school soon. As you go shopping for back to school supplies, keep some of these fun facts in mind in order to entertain you while you shop:

  • Saturdays in August are when most parents do their kids’ back to school shopping. How do we know this? Because according to the location-based social network Foursquare, more people checked in on a Saturday in August for back to school shopping in 2012 than any other day. So if you want to avoid the crowds, don’t go shopping on Saturdays this month!
  • Families spend an average of $643.78 on back to school supplies, shoes, electronics and apparel according to the 2013 National Retail Federation’s back to school survey. So if you’re creating a budget for back to school supplies, keep this figure in mind!
  • Around 80 percent of back to school shoppers will adjust their spending according to the economy according to one survey. Many of these shoppers will do this by purchasing supplies online. Before going out to the stores, do some research online to find better deals.
  • Does it look like your kids’ pencil sharpeners are too dull to do any good? Instead of going out and buying another pencil sharpener, wrap a pencil in aluminum foil before you insert it. This will actually sharpen the blades of your pencil sharpeners.
  • Around 79 million American kids wear backpacks, 92 percent of which carry between 10 and 22 percent of their body weight. Make sure your kids’ backpacks provide adequate support and comfort!
Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

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