Christmas Tree Safety Tips

Christmas Tree Safety Tips

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According to the U.S. Fire Administration, one out of three Christmas tree fires occurring in a home is the result of electrical issues. The National Fire Protection Agency reports that 210 home fires begin with Christmas trees—causing an average of 7 deaths, 19 injuries, and $17.5 million in property damage. Both agencies state that, while home fires that result from a Christmas tree are not common, they are more likely to be serious.

Before you bring a fresh tree into your home, follow some simple tips for Christmas tree safety.

  • Choose a fresh tree. Lightly grasp the needles and move your hand along the branch. If needles are falling off, the tree isn’t fresh. It could dry up quickly, which creates a fire hazard.
  • Place the tree at least three feet from any heat source, such as a radiator, fireplace, vent, light, or candles.
  • Add water to the tree stand daily.
  • Use lights that are UL-certified.
  • Do not use strings of lights with damaged cords or loose connections.
  • Turn off the lights—or unplug them—when you’re not home or going to bed.
  • Safely dispose of the tree after Christmas. Remove all electrical lights. Place it outside, away from the house, or take the tree to be recycled into mulch.

Johnson County Siding & Windows wants you and your family to have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season!

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

Picture of Justin Christie
Justin Christie

Owner, Johnson County Siding & Window Co.

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